Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Many years ago in a land far from the desert, (Logan, UT!), my nieces and I spent an entire evening going through a 365 day cat calendar and thinking of funny captions. I believe that is one of our most memorable bonding experiences. We laughed...

Anyway, I decided to launch a new funny! I will try with my old, mommied-out brain to make us laugh. But, I need YOUR help too. In the comments, tag the photo (Keep in G-PG rated please) with your a comment that will tickle some funny bones...or at least a snort or two!

And, yes, that is my daughter in a soccer shirt!


The circus master said...

I would just like to mention that in the original event the comments made were not G or PG! And yes this was an experience that Carlee, Candice, and I still talk about!

Suzanne C said...

lol! too true...but we were not all mothers then right? ;-)

Queen Bee said...

Your kids are SO CUTE!