Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just a Little Drive

Andrew and I took a drive on Highway 95 heading northeast out of Yuma towards Yuma Proving Ground this afternoon.  While I was hoping to find the wild burros, what we found wasn't too bad!  It was a beautiful evening and so nice to hang out with Andrew, even though he had his nose in a book most of the time!

Now this is what caught the boy's attention!  He actually started talking and he let me take some pictures of him!  If you look really close, Andrew is saluting his buddy, Rob Bailey.  I was telling him when my sister and I met the Bailey family years ago, they lived at YPG.  He thought it was awesome.  So, Brother Bailey, consider yourself saluted! :)

This is one of my favorite views in Yuma.  The Bridge to Nowhere.  Me and Adam went here for a picnic date a long time ago when we were dating.  I scared Andrew because he thought I was going to drive too close to it.  I kind of forgot I was driving a minivan when I pulled all the way up there.  Backing up kind of freaked me out, so that evened the score a bit,

Andrew took this picture of the ocotillo plant.  He thought I was incredibly strange pulling off the road to take pictures.  But he humored me!

All I asked for was a look of amazement that yes it does rain in the desert!  I told him he looks like it smells bad!  Love this boy!

My almost 11 year old (9/22 is the big day!) sitting outside the entrance of YPG property. He only has a couple of inches to go and he will be as tall as his old mom.

I love how this looks.  Just a random picture with a really cool pattern.
As we were headed home, we turned onto 9E from Highway 95.  The sun was setting and you could see the big old fireball between the line of clouds and the horizon. The picture just doesn't do it justice.  There are days it feels like we live in Hell down here, especially when I am pining for a drive in the cool mountains of Utah while Fall colors creep stealthily over the mountain ridges, signaling the coming hunting seasons, snow, and the holidays. 

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